Sunday, August 24, 2014

Jjamppong: A Wedding Story

A popular dish in Korea, jjampong is a delicious but spicy noodle soup which is somewhat tedious to prepare if done in the traditional way. Thanks to the inventor of instant noodles for one can have a jjamppong in just a few minutes.

But did you know that this Korean spicy noodle soup can be a jinx to marriage? It's hard to believe but it actually happened that a wedding plan was put in the verge of not pushing through because of this red-hot jjamppong

This is the "wedding story" of couple Patrick and Jessah. The and-they-live-happily-ever-after chapter of their relationship was tested by the tasty jjampong.

One night, a few days before their much-awaited wedding day, Patrick went to Jessah's house hungry. Patrick asked Jessah to cook an instant jjampong noodle soup for him. Patrick has brought a few packs of Lucky Me Supreme Jjampong Instant Noodle Soup, which he gave to Jessah to prepare. Jessah obliged happily. 

Jessah went to the kitchen. She poured boiling water into the disposable styrofoam bowl, put in the spicy jjampong powder and seasoning and flavoring.

Jessah wasn't aware that she was being observed unobtrusively by Patrick while she was preparing jjampong. At that juncture, Patrick called the attention of Jessah and scolded her that her way of preparation wasn't right! Patrick told Jessah that the flavoring must be mixed with the water when the noodle soup was finished cooking so as not to dilute the flavor and aroma of the jjampong soup.

Ego-pricked, Jessah snapped back and nagged Patrick, peppering him with a lot of gibberish and dramatic monologues that he could not stomach. Piqued and starving to death, Patrick said something as if calling off the wedding. Jessah was so angry that she called it "quits" with Patrick.

Both of them confided with their close friends about the "aborted wedding". Luckily, they have friends who are caring enough to motivate them to push through with their wedding plan. Their "mayday" friends helped the couple to mend their ways so that they could attain their wish to live happily ever after. End of story.